UK Laws on Spores
Due to the strict laws (which we think are very outdated) we can only sell our spores for the purpose of inspecting the spore solution.
Psilocybin Facts
If you look at the popular tv series Breaking Bad for example, if early on in the first few episodes Walter and Jesse had phoned up the hardware store they had purchased legal products from and made it clear they were producing Class A drugs the show probably wouldn’t have stretched to 5 seasons and would likely have ended quite abruptly. So we would expect customers to use a little common sense when discussing use of our legal products for something which is still considered to be a serious offence.
Considering the fact Psilocybin is not currently recognised yet in the UK as officially being a medicine, if we were caught disregarding the law we could potentially face a large fine, loss of the business as well as a lengthy prison sentence. This really isn’t something anyone here would be willing to risk and it’s taken a lot of hard work to be able to legally operate within this industry.
While there are a very few countries and states where it may be legal or decriminalised to cultivate spores they are very few and it would be more cost effective and safer to purchase spores over there legally instead. As a result of this even if customers claim to be doing this we would still be unable to discuss cultivation of our spores unless the customer took delivery of our spores in this country.
“Before the drugs act in 2005 was introduced fresh magic mushrooms, live mycelium kits and liquid cultures were all perfectly legal.”